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Octarisk Class: object = Stochastic(id)
Octarisk Class: object = Stochastic()

Class for setting up Stochastic objects. A Stochastic instrument uses a risk factor with random variables (either uniform, normal or t-distributed) to draw values from a 1D Surface. The surface has exactly one value per given quantile [0,1]. This instrument type can be used to pre-calculate values in another risk system for a given risk factor distribution.

In the following, all methods and attributes are explained and a code example is given.

Methods for Stochastic object obj:

Attributes of Stochastic objects:

For illustration see the following example: A stochastic value object is generated. Quantile values are given by a 1-dim volatility surface. The resulting Stress value ([95;100;105]) is retrieved:

disp('Pricing Pricing Stochastic Value Object')
r = Riskfactor();
r = r.set('value_base',0.5,'scenario_stress',[0.3;0.50;0.7],'model','BM');
value_x = 0;
value_quantile = [0.1,0.5,0.9];
value_matrix = [90;100;110];
v = Surface();
v = v.set('axis_x',value_x,'axis_x_name','DATE', ...
v = v.set('values_base',value_matrix);
v = v.set('type','STOCHASTIC');
s = Stochastic();
s = s.set('sub_type','STOCHASTIC','stochastic_rf_type','uniform', ...
s = s.calc_value('31-Mar-2016','base',r,v);
s = s.calc_value('31-Mar-2016','stress',r,v);
stress_value = s.getValue('stress')

Dependencies of class:


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