Valuation of instruments according to instrument type.
The last four variables can be empty in case of base scenario valuation.
- instr_obj: instrument, which has to be valuated
- valuation_date: valuation date
- scenario: scenario [’base’,’stress’, MC timestep: e.g. ’250d’]
- instrument_struct: structure with all instruments in session
- surface_struct: structure with all surfaces in session
- matrix_struct: structure with all matrizes in session
- curve_struct: structure with all curves in session
- index_struct: structure with all indizes in session
- riskfactor_struct: structure with all riskfactors in session
- para_object: structure with required parameters
- para_object.path_static: OPTIONAL: path to folder with static files
- para_object.scen_number: OPTIONAL: number of scenarios
- para_object.scenario: OPTIONAL: timestep number of days for MC scenarios
- para_object.first_eval: OPTIONAL: boolean, first_eval == 1 means first evaluation
- ret_instr_obj: RETURN: evaluated instrument object